‘Partnership between Bitget and Unstoppable Domains to Introduce Web3 Identities to Millions’

Unstoppable Domains, a leader in decentralized digital identities, has partnered with Bitget, a major crypto copy trading platform, to introduce the .bitget top-level domain (TLD) to Bitget’s community of over 25 million users. This collaboration aims to provide users with unique and personalized digital identities in the Web3 space.
The launch of the .bitget TLD signifies a significant advancement in giving users control over their online presence. With this new feature, Bitget users can secure their preferred names, like Sandy.bitget or trader.bitget, and easily access these domains. However, the advantages go beyond just having a digital address.
Owning a .bitget domain acts as a universal username, enabling users to seamlessly navigate across 860 integrations in various Web2 and Web3 applications. From simplifying crypto transactions with user-friendly wallet addresses to accessing numerous apps, games, and metaverses, the .bitget domain on Unstoppable empowers users with a secure and distinct digital identity. Moreover, users can use their domain to create decentralized websites, showcase on-chain accomplishments, and revolutionize their interactions in the digital realm.
According to Shaed Hashimkhial, North America Head at Bitget, “The partnership with Unstoppable Domains represents a significant advancement in enhancing the user experience for our community. It merges our cutting-edge trading platform with decentralized web domains, providing unparalleled control and security over digital identities.”
Bitget has seen substantial growth, exceeding 25 million users in 2024, with a strategic listing approach that led to a 46% year-on-year increase and the addition of 355 new listings, totaling over 600 tokens and 700 spot trading pairs.
Sandy Carter, COO and Head of Business Development at Unstoppable Domains, emphasized, “Identity is crucial in the Web3 experience, and with Bitget, we are making Web3 more personal and user-friendly for the Bitget community. We are excited to bring user-owned digital identity to Bitget users.”
By joining forces, Unstoppable and Bitget showcase their dedication to innovation, community involvement, and the wider adoption of Web3 technologies, setting the stage for a more secure and personalized digital future.