‘Ready to Beautify the Town with Paint!’

Alexandria, VA – Calling all Alexandria residents, business owners, and admirers of the city’s charm – it’s time to showcase your creativity and nominate your favorite properties for the 2024 Beautification Awards!
The Alexandria Beautification Commission is on the lookout for the most visually stunning and awe-inspiring displays of beauty throughout the city. Whether it’s a picturesque residential garden, a sustainable commercial property, an architectural marvel, or a lively community space, they want to know about it!
This year, a new element has been added to the nominations – balconies that are visible from public areas! These often overlooked spaces are now in the spotlight, offering a chance for urban magic with vibrant blooms and artistic designs.
Judging criteria will encompass the richness of native plant materials, the innovation of design, and a focus on green initiatives. No matter if you have a green thumb or an eye for design, there is a category for everyone to participate in.
To nominate a property for the 2024 Alexandria Beautification Awards, it must be visible from public areas. Previous winners within five years, properties for sale, and those closely associated with the Beautification Commission are not eligible. Criteria for judging include design, sustainability, maintenance, and fitting into the neighborhood context. Nominations must be submitted online by 11:59 pm EST on Friday, May 24, 2024. Categories for awards include Architecture, Community, Residential, and Commercial.
Don’t wait any longer – gather your inspiration, capture some photos, and submit your nominations online at www.alexandriava.gov/Beautification. Let’s enhance the beauty of Alexandria together and make our city shine brighter than ever before! Let’s celebrate the beauty of our beloved city because when we beautify, we all thrive!