home Heard of the Snug? Why This British Room Trend Is Set to Dominate 2024

First, choose a small area that you can partition off from the main spaces of your home. “This allows it to exist within its own style,” Barrett says. “We see a lot of homeowners willing to commit to bold wallpaper or moody paint—decisions that might otherwise feel overwhelming in a larger space.”

But truly, setting you your version of the snug is a chance to get creative. “Think soft, fuzzy fabric such as bouclé, plush rugs that are layered, lots of cashmere or chucky knit throw blankets and throw pillows,” says Biondo, who doesn’t stop there. “Heavy wool fabrics for the window treatments and velvet for the main furniture pieces with pops of fuzzy material on a side chair or ottoman. You should have fun mixing textures and patterned fabrics in this space.”

One final design note: A snug should reflect you. “This is an area of the home that should feel highly personalized, so fill it with items that reflect your tastes and interests,” says Biondo. In other words, what are the pieces that might not naturally fit within other areas of your home.

Bottom line: A snug is meant to induce calm. With that as your true north, you can take your design cue from there.