Effects of COVID-19 on the Nutrition of School-Aged Children and Opportunities for Enhancing Nutrition Focus in Indonesia

A recent study conducted by WFP Indonesia, supported by Cargill, aimed to identify the factors affecting the consumption of healthy diets by school-aged children during the COVID-19 pandemic. The study, carried out by the SEAMEO RECFON, focused on understanding the impact of school closures and hybrid learning on the nutrition of girls and boys aged 6-12.
The main objectives of the study were to assess the changes in food consumption patterns, knowledge, and practices of school-aged children in Indonesia due to school closures, identify policies and programs promoting good dietary practices as schools reopened for face-to-face learning, evaluate the effectiveness of existing nutrition education interventions during the pandemic, and provide recommendations for improving nutrition education within the school health programs.
As a result of the study, recommendations were made to enhance the integration of nutrition education into the school health programs in Indonesia. These recommendations aim to improve the overall nutrition focus and promote healthy eating habits among school-aged children, especially in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic and other disasters.
By implementing these strategic options and pathways of change, it is hoped that the nutrition education efforts within the school system will be more effective and lead to better outcomes for the children in terms of their health and well-being.