‘Community Event for Earth Day and Collection of Hazardous Household Waste on Saturday in Scottsbluff’

‘Community Event for Earth Day and Collection of Hazardous Household Waste on Saturday in Scottsbluff’

‘Community Event for Earth Day and Collection of Hazardous Household Waste on Saturday in Scottsbluff’

Earth Day is celebrated annually on April 22nd, with the United States marking the first Earth Day in 1970. To contribute to this cause, Keep Scottsbluff Gering Beautiful (KSGB) will host the annual Earth Day Celebration and Household Hazardous Waste Collection at Uptown Mall Scottsbluff on Saturday, April 20th from 9:00 am to 11:00 am. The event will take place in the west parking lot, northwest of Harbor Freight.

KSGB collaborates with various local businesses and organizations to organize these events each year. Platte Valley Bank will provide free document shredding services through Docu-shred, accepting personal shred documents only. The North Platte Natural Resources District will distribute trees, and the Scottsbluff High School FFA chapter will conduct well water sample testing. The Gering Public Library and Keep Scottsbluff Gering Beautiful will have information booths and giveaways. Additionally, the City of Gering Landfill will offer their used oil trailer for the collection event.

Clean Harbors has been contracted by KSGB to facilitate the Household Hazardous Waste Collection event. The total quote for the 2024 HHW event exceeds ,000, with grant funds from the Nebraska Department of Environment and Energy covering 75% of the cost. As a result, the fee for the 2024 event has been waived due to generous financial support from local partners.

Acceptable items for the Household Hazardous Waste Collection include flammable liquids, household, lawn, garden, and pool/spa chemicals, mercury, stains and varnishes, fluorescent light bulbs, auto batteries, and propane cylinders. It is important to note that this event is specifically for residential waste and will not accept household batteries, electronics, paint, tires, pharmaceuticals, appliances, construction waste, or plastic grocery sacks.

For items not accepted at the collection event, the City of Scottsbluff Environmental Services does receive batteries, electronics (for a fee), and paint during normal business hours throughout the year. Residents must tape the battery terminal before dropping off household batteries for recycling. The City of Gering Landfill also accepts tires (for a fee) during normal business hours, year-round.

Residents looking to recycle plastic grocery sacks can check with their local grocery stores, as many provide bins for recycling. Furthermore, Keep Scottsbluff Gering Beautiful will hold the annual Pharmaceutical Take-back collection later in the year, accepting over-the-counter and prescription medications, vitamins, supplements, and sharps.

For any inquiries, individuals can contact Keep Scottsbluff Gering Beautiful at (308) 632-4649. Let’s all do our part to keep our communities clean and sustainable on Earth Day and every day.