Komprise Elastic Replication Cuts Disaster Recovery Costs for Unstructured Data by 70%

Komprise announced Komprise
Intelligent Data Management Winter 2024
, which introduces Komprise Elastic Replication
to drastically cut the cost of replicating unstructured data. With more
frequent and devastating natural disasters, cybersecurity and ransomware
attacks, data protection and disaster recovery (DR) strategies are essential in
the enterprise. IT outages are getting more and more costly. According to the
New Relic 2023 Observability Forecast report, the median annual cost of an
outage has now reached $7.75 million.

approaches of network attached storage (NAS) mirroring work well for
mission-critical file and object data, but in most organizations, it is too
expensive for less critical unstructured data. This is because it requires
identical infrastructure on the DR site and requires the replication of the
entire physical volume. Additionally, NAS mirroring does not address ransomware
due to its near instantaneous synchronization, which copies a ransomware
infection immediately to the DR site before it can be detected. As of 2023,
more than 72% of businesses worldwide were affected by ransomware attacks and
the average cost of an attack was $1.85 million, according to Statista and
GetAstra, respectively.

A More
Affordable and Secure DR Strategy for Unstructured Data

Elastic Replication makes DR more affordable for growing volumes of
unstructured data in the enterprise by right-sizing and right-placing DR copies
and offering a more holistic approach to ransomware and data protection.

Key benefits

  • Right-sizing at the share-level: Choose which shares or even directories you want to replicate, without having to replicate the entire physical volume. You can also set the snapshot schedule to achieve your recovery point objective (RPO) for each data set.
  • Right-placing to less expensive cloud/object or file destination: Replicate to a significantly less expensive cloud or object storage or to any file storage. Unlike NAS mirroring, Komprise does not require pre-provisioned identical infrastructure on the replication site, so you can replicate to the cloud and spin up resources as needed for cloud disaster recovery.
  • Enabling file recovery with fidelity even from object storage: Komprise maintains file attributes while replicating data in native format to object or file storage destinations. This way, you can access the data directly from the destination or restore as files without losing fidelity.
  • Improving cyber-resiliency against ransomware attacks: Komprise replicates asynchronously based on the schedule you set and it supports replication to an immutable destination with versioning and object-lock capabilities. This ability to asynchronously replicate to immutable storage enhances your defense against ransomware.
  • Cutting DR costs: Komprise Elastic Replication right-sizes and right-places the replication saving 70%+ costs.

“Our customers
are uneasy about not having disaster recovery plans for all unstructured data,
but as unstructured data volumes continue to balloon, the one-size-fits-all
mirroring approach is too expensive for most,” says Kumar Goswami, CEO of
Komprise. “We are excited to help organizations customize disaster recovery so
they can afford the protection they need for all of their data, within tight

Expands Pure Storage Support, Adds More Reporting Features

As a modern
SaaS platform, Komprise can innovate faster and be more responsive to
enterprise customer needs. Additional innovations and updates included in the
Winter 2024 Intelligent Data Management release include:

  • Customizable Report Templates: Komprise now allows users to save custom report configurations and maintain multiple versions of any type of report. For example, a Showback Report can be created for each department or business unit within an organization.
  • Pure Storage: Building on the transparent data tiering between FlashBlade//S and FlashBlade//E, Komprise now supports FlashBlade object storage as an on-premises Plan Target.


Komprise Elastic Replication is included in the
Komprise Intelligent Data Management platform.